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GPS Consultants, LLC

GPS Consultants is a boutique data analysis and financial forensics firm focused on utilizing and implementing premier analytical technologies and techniques.  GPS focuses on interpreting disparate and voluminous information efficiently and effectively, positioning them to present solutions that answer complex financial and business related questions that previously required more resources than were available.  Typical business and financial related questions answered by GPS: are my suppliers charging me in accordance with our contracts, are any of my employees embezzling, have we ever paid the same bill more than one time, are we billing for all of the services we provided, are my staff making costly financial errors, did we collect the money we recorded in our accounting system, how much financial damage was caused in litigation matters, etc. 

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To schedule an appointment or find out more about the services we offer, please call 570 868-8039 or send us an email at contactus@redcollarbandit.com.

Or use our contact form.


Expense Reduction Specialists

RCB can reduce your telecom, wireless, data, freight, parcel and utility operating expense by 26% or more through our audit and recovery programs. RCB's contingency based fee system ensures there is no risk of additional cost. Let RCB provide clarity, visibility and accountability in a complex area of your business


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